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The register map listed below shows the changes and new registers in the
Amiga's Enhanced Chip Set.

004  VPOSR    chg   R  A   Read vertical most sig. bits (and frame flop)
012  POT0DAT  chg   R  P   Pot counter data left pair (vertical, horiz)
014  POT1DAT  chg   R  P   Pot counter data right pair (vertical, horiz)
020  DSKPTH   chg   W  A   Disk pointer (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
02E  COPCON   chg   W  A   Coprocessor control
03E  STRLONG  chg   S  D   Strobe for identification of long horiz line
042  BLTCON1  chg   W  A   Blitter control register 1
050  BLTxPTH  chg   W  A   Blitter pointer to x (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
05A  BLTCON0L new   W  A   Blitter control 0, lower 8 bits (minterms)
05C  BLTSIZV  new   W  A   Blitter V size (for 15 bit vertical size)
05E  BLTSIZH  new   W  A   Blitter H size and start (for 11 bit H size)
07C  DENISEID new   R  D   Chip revision level for Denise (video out chip)
080  COP1LCH  chg   W  A   Coprocessor 1st location(high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
084  COP2LCH  chg   W  A   Coprocessor 2nd location(high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
0A0  AUDxLCH  chg   W  A   Audio channel x location(high 5 bits was 3 bits)
0A6  AUDxPER  chg   W  P   Audio channel x period
100  BPLCON0  chg   W  A,D Bitplane control (miscellaneous control bits)
104  BPLCON2  chg   W  D   Bitplane control (video priority control)
106  BPLCON3  new   W  D   Bitplane control (enhanced features)
142  SPRxCTL  chg   W  A   Sprite x position and control data
1C0  HTOTAL   new   W  A   Highest number count, horiz line (VARBEAMEN=1)
1C2  HSSTOP   new   W  A   Horizontal line position for HSYNC stop
1C4  HBSTRT   new   W  A   Horizontal line position for HBLANK start
1C6  HBSTOP   new   W  A   Horizontal line position for HBLANK stop
1C8  VTOTAL   new   W  A   Highest numbered vertical line  (VARBEAMEN=1)
1CA  VSSTOP   new   W  A   Vertical line position for VSYNC stop
1CC  VBSTRT   new   W  A   Vertical line for VBLANK start
1CE  VBSTOP   new   W  A   Vertical line for VBLANK stop
1DC  BEAMCON0 new   W  A   Beam counter control register (SHRES,UHRES,PAL)
1DE  HSSTRT   new   W  A   Horizontal sync start (VARHSY)
1E0  VSSTRT   new   W  A   Vertical sync start   (VARVSY)
1E2  HCENTER  new   W  A   Horizontal position for Vsync on interlace
1E4  DIWHIGH  new   W  A,D Display window -  upper bits for start, stop
A=Agnus chip, D=Denise chip, P=Paula chip, W=Write, R=Read, S=Strobe

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