It is almost always best to load sprites using the automatic DMA channels. Sometimes, however, it is useful to load these registers directly from one of the microprocessors. Sprites may be activated "manually" whenever they are not being used by a DMA channel. The same sprite that is showing a DMA-controlled icon near the top of the screen can also be reloaded manually to show a vertical colored bar near the bottom of the screen. Sprites can be activated manually even when the sprite DMA is turned off. You display sprites manually by writing to the sprite data registers SPRxDATB and SPRxDATA , in that order. You write to SPRxDATA last because that address "arms" the sprite to be output at the next horizontal comparison. The data written will then be displayed on every line, at the horizontal position given in the "H" portion of the position registers SPRxPOS and SPRxCTL . If the data is unchanged, the result will be a vertical bar. If the data is reloaded for every line, a complex sprite can be produced. The sprite can be terminated ("disarmed") by writing to the SPRxCTL register. If you write to the SPRxPOS register, you can manually move the sprite horizontally at any time, even during normal sprite usage.
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