When a blit is in progress, none of the blitter registers should be written. For details on arbitration of blitter access in the system, please refer to the ROM Kernel Manual. In particular, read the discussion about the OwnBlitter() and DisownBlitter() functions. Even after the blitter has been "owned", a blit may still be finishing up, so the blitter done flag should be checked before using it even the first time. Use of the ROM kernel function WaitBlit() is recommended. You should also check the blitter done flag before using results of a blit. The blit may not be finished, so the data may not be ready yet. This can lead to difficult to find bugs, because a 68000 may be slow enough for a blit to finish without checking the done flag , while a 68020, perhaps running out of its cache, may be able to get at the data before the blitter has finished writing it. Let us say that we have a subroutine that displays a text box on top of other imagery temporarily. This subroutine might allocate a chunk of memory to hold the original screen image while we are displaying our text box, then draw the text box. On exit, the subroutine might blit the original imagery back and then free the allocated memory. If the memory is freed before the blitter done flag is checked, some other process might allocate that memory and store new data into it before the blit is finished, trashing the blitter source and, thus, the screen imagery being restored.
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