; ; coldboot.asm ; ; Here is a source code listing of the only supported reboot code: ; * NAME * ColdReboot - Official code to reset any Amiga (Version 2) * * SYNOPSIS * ColdReboot() * void ColdReboot(void); * * FUNCTION * Reboot the machine. All external memory and peripherals will be * RESET, and the machine will start its power up diagnostics. * * Rebooting an Amiga in software is very tricky. Differing memory * configurations and processor cards require careful treatment. This * code represents the best available general purpose reset. The * MagicResetCode must be used exactly as specified here. The code * _must_ be longword aligned. Failure to duplicate the code EXACTLY * may result in improper operation under certain system configurations. * * RESULT * This function never returns. INCLUDE "exec/types.i" INCLUDE "exec/libraries.i" XDEF _ColdReboot XREF _LVOSupervisor ABSEXECBASE EQU 4 ;Pointer to the Exec library base MAGIC_ROMEND EQU $01000000 ;End of Kickstart ROM MAGIC_SIZEOFFSET EQU -$14 ;Offset from end of ROM to Kickstart size V36_EXEC EQU 36 ;Exec with the ColdReboot() function TEMP_ColdReboot EQU -726 ;Offset of the V36 ColdReboot function _ColdReboot: move.l ABSEXECBASE,a6 cmp.w #V36_EXEC,LIB_VERSION(a6) blt.s old_exec jmp TEMP_ColdReboot(a6) ;Let Exec do it... ;NOTE: Control flow never returns to here ;---- manually reset the Amiga --------------------------------------------- old_exec: lea.l GoAway(pc),a5 ;address of code to execute jsr _LVOSupervisor(a6) ;trap to code at (a5)... ;NOTE: Control flow never returns to here ;-------------- MagicResetCode ---------DO NOT CHANGE----------------------- CNOP 0,4 ;IMPORTANT! Longword align! GoAway: lea.l MAGIC_ROMEND,a0 ;(end of ROM) sub.l MAGIC_SIZEOFFSET(a0),a0 ;(end of ROM)-(ROM size)=PC move.l 4(a0),a0 ;Get Initial Program Counter subq.l #2,a0 ;now points to second RESET reset ;first RESET instruction jmp (a0) ;CPU Prefetch executes this ;NOTE: the RESET and JMP instructions must share a longword! ;---------------------------------------DO NOT CHANGE----------------------- END
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