#ifndef EXEC_TASKS_H #define EXEC_TASKS_H /* ** $Filename: exec/tasks.h $ ** $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $ ** $Revision: 36.9 $ ** $Date: 91/11/06 $ ** ** Task Control Block, Singals, and Task flags. ** ** (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved */ #ifndef EXEC_NODES_H #include "exec/nodes.h" #endif /* EXEC_NODES_H */ #ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H #include "exec/lists.h" #endif /* EXEC_LISTS_H */ /* Please use Exec functions to modify task structure fields, where available. */ struct Task { struct Node tc_Node; UBYTE tc_Flags; UBYTE tc_State; BYTE tc_IDNestCnt; /* intr disabled nesting*/ BYTE tc_TDNestCnt; /* task disabled nesting*/ ULONG tc_SigAlloc; /* sigs allocated */ ULONG tc_SigWait; /* sigs we are waiting for */ ULONG tc_SigRecvd; /* sigs we have received */ ULONG tc_SigExcept; /* sigs we will take excepts for */ UWORD tc_TrapAlloc; /* traps allocated */ UWORD tc_TrapAble; /* traps enabled */ APTR tc_ExceptData; /* points to except data */ APTR tc_ExceptCode; /* points to except code */ APTR tc_TrapData; /* points to trap code */ APTR tc_TrapCode; /* points to trap data */ APTR tc_SPReg; /* stack pointer */ APTR tc_SPLower; /* stack lower bound */ APTR tc_SPUpper; /* stack upper bound + 2*/ VOID (*tc_Switch)(); /* task losing CPU */ VOID (*tc_Launch)(); /* task getting CPU */ struct List tc_MemEntry; /* Allocated memory. Freed by RemTask() */ APTR tc_UserData; /* For use by the task; no restrictions! */ }; /* * Stack swap structure as passed to StackSwap() */ struct StackSwapStruct { APTR stk_Lower; /* Lowest byte of stack */ ULONG stk_Upper; /* Upper end of stack (size + Lowest) */ APTR stk_Pointer; /* Stack pointer at switch point */ }; /*----- Flag Bits ------------------------------------------*/ #define TB_PROCTIME 0 #define TB_ETASK 3 #define TB_STACKCHK 4 #define TB_EXCEPT 5 #define TB_SWITCH 6 #define TB_LAUNCH 7 #define TF_PROCTIME (1<<0) #define TF_ETASK (1<<3) #define TF_STACKCHK (1<<4) #define TF_EXCEPT (1<<5) #define TF_SWITCH (1<<6) #define TF_LAUNCH (1<<7) /*----- Task States ----------------------------------------*/ #define TS_INVALID 0 #define TS_ADDED 1 #define TS_RUN 2 #define TS_READY 3 #define TS_WAIT 4 #define TS_EXCEPT 5 #define TS_REMOVED 6 /*----- Predefined Signals -------------------------------------*/ #define SIGB_ABORT 0 #define SIGB_CHILD 1 #define SIGB_BLIT 4 /* Note: same as SINGLE */ #define SIGB_SINGLE 4 /* Note: same as BLIT */ #define SIGB_INTUITION 5 #define SIGB_DOS 8 #define SIGF_ABORT (1L<<0) #define SIGF_CHILD (1L<<1) #define SIGF_BLIT (1L<<4) #define SIGF_SINGLE (1L<<4) #define SIGF_INTUITION (1L<<5) #define SIGF_DOS (1L<<8) #endif /* EXEC_TASKS_H */
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