NAME SetExcept -- define certain signals to cause exceptions SYNOPSIS oldSignals = SetExcept(newSignals, signalMask) D0 D0 D1 ULONG SetExcept(ULONG,ULONG); FUNCTION This function defines which of the task's signals will cause a private task exception. When any of the signals occurs the task's exception handler will be dispatched. If the signal occurred prior to calling SetExcept, the exception will happen immediately. The user function pointed to by the task's tc_ExceptCode gets called as: newExcptSet = <exceptCode>(signals, exceptData),SysBase D0 D0 A1 A6 signals - The set of signals that caused this exception. These Signals have been disabled from the current set of signals that can cause an exception. exceptData - A copy of the task structure tc_ExceptData field. newExcptSet - The set of signals in NewExceptSet will be re- enabled for exception generation. Usually this will be the same as the Signals that caused the exception. INPUTS newSignals - the new values for the signals specified in signalMask. signalMask - the set of signals to be effected RESULTS oldSignals - the prior exception signals EXAMPLE Get the current state of all exception signals: SetExcept(0,0) Change a few exception signals: SetExcept($1374,$1074) SEE ALSO Signal, SetSignal
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