The following example shows how to find out how much memory of a particular type is available. ULONG size; size = AvailMem(MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_LARGEST); AvailMem() returns the size of the largest chunk of available chip memory. AvailMem() May Not Be Totally Accurate. --------------------------------------- Because of multitasking, the return value from AvailMem() may be inaccurate by the time you receive it. The following example shows how to determine the type of memory of a specified memory address. ULONG memtype; memtype = TypeOfMem((APTR)0x090000); if ((memtype & MEMF_CHIP) == MEMF_CHIP) {/* ...It's chip memory... */} TypeOfMem() returns the attributes of the memory at a specific address. If it is passed an invalid memory address, TypeOfMem() returns NULL. This routine is normally used to determine if a particular chunk of memory is in chip memory.
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