The following samples show how to use the copying routines. APTR source, target; source = AllocMem(1000, MEMF_CLEAR); target = AllocMem(1000, MEMF_CHIP); CopyMem(source, target, 1000); CopyMem() copies the specified number of bytes from the source data region to the target data region. The pointers to the regions can be aligned on arbitrary address boundaries. CopyMem() will attempt to copy the memory as efficiently as it can according to the alignment of the memory blocks, and the amount of data that it has to transfer. These functions are optimized for copying large blocks of memory which can result in unnecessary overhead if used to transfer very small blocks of memory. CopyMemQuick(source, target, 1000); CopyMemQuick() performs an optimized copy of the specified number of bytes from the source data region to the target data region. The source and target pointers must be longword aligned and the size (in bytes) must be divisible by four. Not All Copies Are Supported. ----------------------------- Neither CopyMem() nor CopyMemQuick() supports copying between regions that overlap.
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