Task traps are synchronous exceptions to the normal flow of program control. They are always generated as a direct result of an operation performed by your program's code. Whether they are accidental or purposely generated, they will result in your program being forced into a special condition in which it must immediately handle the trap. Address error, privilege violation, zero divide, and trap instructions all result in task traps. They may be generated directly by the 68000 processor (Motorola calls them "exceptions") or simulated by software. A task that incurs a trap has no choice but to respond immediately. The task must have a module of code to handle the trap. Your task may be aborted if a trap occurs and no means of handling it has been provided. Default trap handling code (tc_TrapCode) is provided by the OS. You may instead choose to do your own processing of traps. The tc_TrapCode field is the address of the handler that you have designed to process the trap. The tc_TrapData field is the address of the data area for use by the trap handler. The system's default trap handling code generally displays a Software Error Requester or Alert containing an exception number and the program counter or task address. Processor exceptions generally have numbers in the range hex 00 to 2F. The 68000 processor exceptions of particular interest are as follows. Table 21-1: Traps (68000 Exception Vector Numbers) 2 Bus error access of nonexistent memory 3 Address error long/word access of odd address (68000) 4 Illegal instruction illegal opcode (other than Axxx or Fxxx) 5 Zero divide processor division by zero 6 CHK instruction register bounds error trap by CHK 7 TRAPV instruction overflow error trap by TRAPV 8 Privilege violation user execution of supervisor opcode 9 Trace status register TRACE bit trap 10 Line 1010 emulator execution of opcode beginning with $A 11 Line 1111 emulator execution of opcode beginning with $F 32-47 Trap instructions TRAP N instruction where N = 0 to 15 A system alert for a processor exception may set the high bit of the longword exception number to indicate an unrecoverable error (for example $80000005 for an unrecoverable processor exception #5). System alerts with more complex numbers are generally Amiga-specific software failures. These are built from the definitions in the <exec/alerts.h> include file. The actual stack frames generated for these traps are processor-dependent. The 68010, 68020, and 68030 processors will generate a different type of stack frame than the 68000. If you plan on having your program handle its own traps, you should not make assumptions about the format of the supervisor stack frame. Check the flags in the AttnFlags field of the ExecBase structure for the type of processor in use and process the stack frame accordingly. Trap Handlers Trap Instructions
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