NAME RemTask -- remove a task from the system SYNOPSIS RemTask(task) A1 void RemTask(struct Task *); FUNCTION This function removes a task from the system. Deallocation of resources should have been performed prior to calling this function. Removing some other task is very dangerous. Generally is is best to arrange for tasks to call RemTask(0L) on themselves. RemTask will automagically free any memory lists attached to the task's TC_MEMENTRY list. INPUTS task - pointer to the task node representing the task to be removed. A zero value indicates self removal, and will cause the next ready task to begin execution. BUGS Before V36 if RemTask() was called on a task other than the current task, and that task was created with amiga.lib/CreateTask, there was a slight chance of a crash. The problem can be hidden by bracketing RemTask() with Forbid()/Permit(). SEE ALSO AddTask, exec/AllocEntry, amiga.lib/DeleteTask
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