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This appendix contains information about the register set in address order.

The following codes and abbreviations are used in this appendix:

  &        Register used by DMA channel only.

  %        Register used by DMA channel usually, processors sometimes.

  +        Address register pair.  Must be an even address pointing to chip

  *        Address not writable by the Copper.

  ~        Address not writable by the Copper unless the "copper danger
           bit",  COPCON  is set true.

  A,D,P    A=Agnus chip, D=Denise chip, P=Paula chip.

  W,R      W=write-only; R=read-only,

  ER       Early read. This is a DMA data transfer to RAM, from either the
           disk or the blitter.  RAM timing requires data to be on the bus
           earlier than microprocessor read cycles. These transfers are
           therefore initiated by Agnus timing, rather than a read address
           on the destination address bus.

  S        Strobe (write address with no register bits).  Writing the
           register causes the effect.

  PTL,PTH  Chip memory pointer that addresses DMA data.  Must be reloaded
           by a processor before use (vertical blank for bitplane and
           sprite pointers, and prior to starting the blitter for blitter

  LCL,LCH  Chip memory location (starting address) of DMA data.  Used to
           automatically restart pointers, such as the Copper program
           counter (during vertical blank) and the audio sample counter
           (whenever the audio length count is finished).

  MOD      15-bit modulo. A number that is automatically added to the
           memory address at the end of each line to generate the address
           for the beginning of the next line. This allows the blitter (or
           the display window) to operate on (or display) a window of data
           that is smaller than the actual picture in memory (memory map).
           Uses 15 bits, plus sign extend.

   About the ECS registers.
   Registers denoted with an "(E)" in the chip column means that
   those registers have been changed in the Enhanced Chip Set
   (ECS).  The ECS is found in the A3000, and is installable in the
   A500 and A2000.  Certain ECS registers are completely new,
   others have been extended in their functionality. See the
    register map  in Appendix C for information on which ECS
   registers are new and which have been modified.

 BLTDDAT   & *000  ER  A       Blitter destination early read
                                   (dummy address)
 DMACONR     *002  R   AP      DMA control (and blitter status) read
 VPOSR       *004  R   A( E )  Read vert most signif. bit (and frame flop)
 VHPOSR      *006  R   A       Read vert and horiz. position of beam
 DSKDATR   & *008  ER  P       Disk data early read (dummy address)
 JOY0DAT     *00A  R   D       Joystick-mouse 0 data (vert,horiz)
 JOY1DAT     *00C  R   D       Joystick-mouse 1 data (vert,horiz)
 CLXDAT      *00E  R   D       Collision data register (read and clear)
 ADKCONR     *010  R   P       Audio, disk control register read
 POT0DAT     *012  R   P( E )  Pot counter pair 0 data (vert,horiz)
 POT1DAT     *014  R   P( E )  Pot counter pair 1 data (vert,horiz)
 POTGOR      *016  R   P       Pot port data read (formerly POTINP)
 SERDATR     *018  R   P       Serial port data and status read
 DSKBYTR     *01A  R   P       Disk data byte and status read
 INTENAR     *01C  R   P       Interrupt enable bits read
 INTREQR     *01E  R   P       Interrupt request bits read
 DSKPTH    + *020  W   A( E )  Disk pointer (high 3 bits, 5 bits if ECS)
 DSKPTL    + *022  W   A       Disk pointer (low 15 bits)
 DSKLEN      *024  W   P       Disk length
 DSKDAT    & *026  W   P       Disk DMA data write
 REFPTR    & *028  W   A       Refresh pointer
 VPOSW       *02A  W   A       Write vert most signif. bit (and frame flop)
 VHPOSW      *02C  W   A       Write vert and horiz position of beam
 COPCON      *02E  W   A( E )  Coprocessor control register (CDANG)
 SERDAT      *030  W   P       Serial port data and stop bits write
 SERPER      *032  W   P       Serial port period and control
 POTGO       *034  W   P       Pot port data write and start
 JOYTEST     *036  W   D       Write to all four joystick-mouse counters
                               at once
 STREQU    & *038  S   D       Strobe for horiz sync with VB and EQU
 STRVBL    & *03A  S   D       Strobe for horiz sync with VB (vert. blank)
 STRHOR    & *03C  S   DP      Strobe for horiz sync
 STRLONG   & *03E  S   D( E )  Strobe for identification of long
                                   horiz. line.
 BLTCON0     ~040  W   A       Blitter control register 0
 BLTCON1     ~042  W   A( E )  Blitter control register 1
 BLTAFWM     ~044  W   A       Blitter first word mask for source A
 BLTALWM     ~046  W   A       Blitter last word mask for source A
 BLTCPTH   + ~048  W   A       Blitter pointer to source C (high 3 bits)
 BLTCPTL   + ~04A  W   A       Blitter pointer to source C (low 15 bits)
 BLTBPTH   + ~04C  W   A       Blitter pointer to source B (high 3 bits)
 BLTBPTL   + ~04E  W   A       Blitter pointer to source B (low 15 bits)
 BLTAPTH   + ~050  W   A( E )  Blitter pointer to source A (high 3 bits)
 BLTAPTL   + ~052  W   A       Blitter pointer to source A (low 15 bits)
 BLTDPTH   + ~054  W   A       Blitter pointer to destination D
                                   (high 3 bits)
 BLTDPTL   + ~056  W   A       Blitter pointer to destination D
                                   (low 15 bits)
 BLTSIZE     ~058  W   A       Blitter start and size (window width,height)
 BLTCON0L    ~05A  W   A( E )  Blitter control 0, lower 8 bits (minterms)
 BLTSIZV     ~05C  W   A( E )  Blitter V size (for 15 bit vertical size)
 BLTSIZH     ~05E  W   A( E )  Blitter H size and start (for 11 bit H size)
 BLTCMOD     ~060  W   A       Blitter modulo for source C
 BLTBMOD     ~062  W   A       Blitter modulo for source B
 BLTAMOD     ~064  W   A       Blitter modulo for source A
 BLTDMOD     ~066  W   A       Blitter modulo for destination D
 BLTCDAT   % ~070  W   A       Blitter source C data register
 BLTBDAT   % ~072  W   A       Blitter source B data register

 BLTADAT   % ~074  W   A       Blitter source A data register
 SPRHDAT     ~078  W   A( E )  Ext. logic UHRES sprite pointer and data id
 DENISEID    ~07C  R   D( E )  Chip revision level for Denise
                                   (video out chip)
 DSKSYNC     ~07E  W   P       Disk sync pattern register for disk read
 COP1LCH   +  080  W   A( E )  Coprocessor first location register
                                  (high 3 bits, high 5 bits if ECS)
 COP1LCL   +  082  W   A       Coprocessor first location register
                                  (low 15 bits)
 COP2LCH   +  084  W   A( E )  Coprocessor second location register
                                  (high 3 bits, high 5 bits if ECS)
 COP2LCL   +  086  W   A       Coprocessor second location register
                                  (low 15 bits)
 COPJMP1      088  S   A       Coprocessor restart at first location
 COPJMP2      08A  S   A       Coprocessor restart at second location
 COPINS       08C  W   A       Coprocessor instruction fetch identify
 DIWSTRT      08E  W   A       Display window start (upper left
                                  vert-horiz position)
 DIWSTOP      090  W   A       Display window stop (lower right
                                  vert.-horiz. position)
 DDFSTRT      092  W   A       Display bitplane data fetch start
                                  (horiz. position)
 DDFSTOP      094  W   A       Display bitplane data fetch stop
                                  (horiz. position)
 DMACON       096  W   ADP     DMA control write (clear or set)
 CLXCON       098  W   D       Collision control
 INTENA       09A  W   P       Interrupt enable bits (clear or
                                  set bits)
 INTREQ       09C  W   P       Interrupt request bits (clear or
                                  set bits)
 ADKCON       09E  W   P       Audio, disk, UART control
 AUD0LCH   +  0A0  W   A( E )  Audio channel 0 location (high 3 bits,
                                   5 if ECS)
 AUD0LCL   +  0A2  W   A       Audio channel 0 location (low 15 bits)
 AUD0LEN      0A4  W   P       Audio channel 0 length
 AUD0PER      0A6  W   P( E )  Audio channel 0 period
 AUD0VOL      0A8  W   P       Audio channel 0 volume
 AUD0DAT   &  0AA  W   P       Audio channel 0 data
 AUD1LCH   +  0B0  W   A       Audio channel 1 location (high 3 bits)
 AUD1LCL   +  0B2  W   A       Audio channel 1 location (low 15 bits)
 AUD1LEN      0B4  W   P       Audio channel 1 length
 AUD1PER      0B6  W   P       Audio channel 1 period
 AUD1VOL      0B8  W   P       Audio channel 1 volume
 AUD1DAT   &  0BA  W   P       Audio channel 1 data
 AUD2LCH   +  0C0  W   A       Audio channel 2 location (high 3 bits)
 AUD2LCL   +  0C2  W   A       Audio channel 2 location (low 15 bits)
 AUD2LEN      0C4  W   P       Audio channel 2 length
 AUD2PER      0C6  W   P       Audio channel 2 period
 AUD2VOL      0C8  W   P       Audio channel 2 volume
 AUD2DAT   &  0CA  W   P       Audio channel 2 data
 AUD3LCH   +  0D0  W   A       Audio channel 3 location (high 3 bits)
 AUD3LCL   +  0D2  W   A       Audio channel 3 location (low 15 bits)
 AUD3LEN      0D4  W   P       Audio channel 3 length
 AUD3PER      0D6  W   P       Audio channel 3 period
 AUD3VOL      0D8  W   P       Audio channel 3 volume
 AUD3DAT   &  0DA  W   P       Audio channel 3 data
 BPL1PTH   +  0E0  W   A       Bitplane 1 pointer (high 3 bits)
 BPL1PTL   +  0E2  W   A       Bitplane 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
 BPL2PTH   +  0E4  W   A       Bitplane 2 pointer (high 3 bits)
 BPL2PTL   +  0E6  W   A       Bitplane 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
 BPL3PTH   +  0E8  W   A       Bitplane 3 pointer (high 3 bits)
 BPL3PTL   +  0EA  W   A       Bitplane 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
 BPL4PTH   +  0EC  W   A       Bitplane 4 pointer (high 3 bits)
 BPL4PTL   +  0EE  W   A       Bitplane 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
 BPL5PTH   +  0F0  W   A       Bitplane 5 pointer (high 3 bits)
 BPL5PTL   +  0F2  W   A       Bitplane 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
 BPL6PTH   +  0F4  W   A       Bitplane 6 pointer (high 3 bits)
 BPL6PTL   +  0F6  W   A       Bitplane 6 pointer (low 15 bits)
 BPLCON0      100  W   AD( E ) Bitplane control register
                                   (misc. control bits)
 BPLCON1      102  W   D       Bitplane control reg.
                                   (scroll value PF1, PF2)
 BPLCON2      104  W   D( E )  Bitplane control reg. (priority control)
 BPLCON3      106  W   D( E )  Bitplane control (enhanced features)

 BPL1MOD      108  W   A       Bitplane modulo (odd planes)
 BPL2MOD      10A  W   A       Bitplane modulo (even planes)
 BPL1DAT   &  110  W   D       Bitplane 1 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
 BPL2DAT   &  112  W   D       Bitplane 2 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
 BPL3DAT   &  114  W   D       Bitplane 3 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
 BPL4DAT   &  116  W   D       Bitplane 4 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
 BPL5DAT   &  118  W   D       Bitplane 5 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
 BPL6DAT   &  11A  W   D       Bitplane 6 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
 SPR0PTH   +  120  W   A       Sprite 0 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR0PTL   +  122  W   A       Sprite 0 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR1PTH   +  124  W   A       Sprite 1 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR1PTL   +  126  W   A       Sprite 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR2PTH   +  128  W   A       Sprite 2 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR2PTL   +  12A  W   A       Sprite 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR3PTH   +  12C  W   A       Sprite 3 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR3PTL   +  12E  W   A       Sprite 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR4PTH   +  130  W   A       Sprite 4 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR4PTL   +  132  W   A       Sprite 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR5PTH   +  134  W   A       Sprite 5 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR5PTL   +  136  W   A       Sprite 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR6PTH   +  138  W   A       Sprite 6 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR6PTL   +  13A  W   A       Sprite 6 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR7PTH   +  13C  W   A       Sprite 7 pointer (high 3 bits)
 SPR7PTL   +  13E  W   A       Sprite 7 pointer (low 15 bits)
 SPR0POS   %  140  W   AD      Sprite 0 vert-horiz start position
 SPR0CTL   %  142  W   AD( E ) Sprite 0 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR0DATA  %  144  W   D       Sprite 0 image data register A
 SPR0DATB  %  146  W   D       Sprite 0 image data register B
 SPR1POS   %  148  W   AD      Sprite 1 vert-horiz start position
 SPR1CTL   %  14A  W   AD      Sprite 1 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR1DATA  %  14C  W   D       Sprite 1 image data register A
 SPR1DATB  %  14E  W   D       Sprite 1 image data register B
 SPR2POS   %  150  W   AD      Sprite 2 vert-horiz start position
 SPR2CTL   %  152  W   AD      Sprite 2 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR2DATA  %  154  W   D       Sprite 2 image data register A
 SPR2DATB  %  156  W   D       Sprite 2 image data register B
 SPR3POS   %  158  W   AD      Sprite 3 vert-horiz start position
 SPR3CTL   %  15A  W   AD      Sprite 3 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR3DATA  %  15C  W   D       Sprite 3 image data register A
 SPR3DATB  %  15E  W   D       Sprite 3 image data register B
 SPR4POS   %  160  W   AD      Sprite 4 vert-horiz start position
 SPR4CTL   %  162  W   AD      Sprite 4 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR4DATA  %  164  W   D       Sprite 4 image data register A
 SPR4DATB  %  166  W   D       Sprite 4 image data register B
 SPR5POS   %  168  W   AD      Sprite 5 vert-horiz start position
 SPR5CTL   %  16A  W   AD      Sprite 5 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR5DATA  %  16C  W   D       Sprite 5 image data register A
 SPR5DATB  %  16E  W   D       Sprite 5 image data register B
 SPR6POS   %  170  W   AD      Sprite 6 vert-horiz start position
 SPR6CTL   %  172  W   AD      Sprite 6 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR6DATA  %  174  W   D       Sprite 6 image data register A
 SPR6DATB  %  176  W   D       Sprite 6 image data register B
 SPR7POS   %  178  W   AD      Sprite 7 vert-horiz start position
 SPR7CTL   %  17A  W   AD      Sprite 7 vert stop position and
                                  control data
 SPR7DATA  %  17C  W   D       Sprite 7 image data register A
 SPR7DATB  %  17E  W   D       Sprite 7 image data register B
 COLOR00      180  W   D       Color table 00
 COLOR01      182  W   D       Color table 01
 COLOR02      184  W   D       Color table 02
 COLOR03      186  W   D       Color table 03
 COLOR04      188  W   D       Color table 04
 COLOR05      18A  W   D       Color table 05
 COLOR06      18C  W   D       Color table 06
 COLOR07      18E  W   D       Color table 07
 COLOR08      190  W   D       Color table 08
 COLOR09      192  W   D       Color table 09
 COLOR10      194  W   D       Color table 10
 COLOR11      196  W   D       Color table 11
 COLOR12      198  W   D       Color table 12
 COLOR13      19A  W   D       Color table 13
 COLOR14      19C  W   D       Color table 14
 COLOR15      19E  W   D       Color table 15
 COLOR16      1A0  W   D       Color table 16
 COLOR17      1A2  W   D       Color table 17
 COLOR18      1A4  W   D       Color table 18
 COLOR19      1A6  W   D       Color table 19
 COLOR20      1A8  W   D       Color table 20
 COLOR21      1AA  W   D       Color table 21
 COLOR22      1AC  W   D       Color table 22
 COLOR23      1AE  W   D       Color table 23
 COLOR24      1B0  W   D       Color table 24
 COLOR25      1B2  W   D       Color table 25
 COLOR26      1B4  W   D       Color table 26
 COLOR27      1B6  W   D       Color table 27
 COLOR28      1B8  W   D       Color table 28
 COLOR29      1BA  W   D       Color table 29
 COLOR30      1BC  W   D       Color table 30
 COLOR31      1BE  W   D       Color table 31

 HTOTAL       1C0  W   A( E )  Highest number count, horiz line
 HSSTOP       1C2  W   A( E )  Horizontal line position for HSYNC stop
 HBSTRT       1C4  W   A( E )  Horizontal line position for HBLANK start
 HBSTOP       1C6  W   A( E )  Horizontal line position for HBLANK stop
 VTOTAL       1C8  W   A( E )  Highest numbered vertical line
 VSSTOP       1CA  W   A( E )  Vertical line position for VSYNC stop
 VBSTRT       1CC  W   A( E )  Vertical line for VBLANK start
 VBSTOP       1CE  W   A( E )  Vertical line for VBLANK stop

              1D0              Reserved
              1D2              Reserved
              1D4              Reserved
              1D6              Reserved
              1D8              Reserved
              1DA              Reserved

 BEAMCON0     1DC  W   A( E )  Beam counter control register (SHRES,PAL)
 HSSTRT       1DE  W   A( E )  Horizontal sync start (VARHSY)
 VSSTRT       1E0  W   A( E )  Vertical sync start   (VARVSY)
 HCENTER      1E2  W   A( E )  Horizontal position for Vsync on interlace
 DIWHIGH      1E4  W   AD( E ) Display window -  upper bits for start, stop

 RESERVED     1110X
 RESERVED     1111X

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