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Packed Font, 180 
Paddle Controller - connections, 228 ,reading, 234 
PAL, --> 
Parallel, 9 
Parallel Port, --> 
Paula, 2 , 6 , 255 
Peripherals, 6 , 7 
Pipeline, 188 
Pixels - definition, 40 ,in sprites, 101 , 101 
Playfield, 4 , 6 , 9 
Playfields, --> 
Playfield-sprite priority, 209 
Port Signal Assignments, 350 
Ports, --> 
POT0DAT, 236 , 298 
POT1DAT, 236 , 298 
POTGO, 229 
POTGOR, 229 
POTINP - name changed to POTGOR, 240 
POTxDAT, 229 
Power up operation, 223 
PRECOMPx, 249 
Priority, --> 
Productivity mode, 3 
Proportional Controller, 331  - pins, 332 
Proportional Controllers - reading, 234 
Proportional Joystick - connections, 228 ,reading, 234 

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